2014 - Romain Brillu, Sébastien Pillement, Fabrice Lemonnier, Philippe Millet, Eric Lenormand, Marc Bernot, Frédéric Falzon: Towards a Design Space Exploration Tool for MPSoC Platforms Designs: A Case Study. PDP 2014: 466-473
2014 - Romain Brillu, Sébastien Pillement, Aymen Abdellah, Fabrice Lemonnier, Philippe Millet: FlexTiles: a globally homogeneous but locally heterogeneous manycore architecture. RAPIDO 2014: 3
2012 - Fabrice Lemonnier, Philippe Millet, Gabriel Marchesan Almeida, Michael Huebner, Juergen Becker, Sébastien Pillement, Olivier Sentieys, Martijn Koedam, Shubhendu Sinha, Kees Goossens, Christian Piguet, Marc-Nicolas Morgan, Romain Lemaire: Towards Future Adaptive Multiprocessor Systems-On-Chip: an Innovative Approach for Flexible Architectures, in Proceedings: "Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation", Editors: John McAllister and Shuvra Bhattacharyya, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1252A-ART, ISBN: 978-1-4673-2296-6, 2012 IEEE International Conference (IC-SAMOS 2012)
2011 - Book: Placement de processus, l'approche évolutionnaire: Utilisation de méthodes inspirées de la biologie pour l'auto-réparation des architectures parallèles - du processeur multicoeurs, au supercalculateur (Edition Française), Editors: Philippe Millet, Editions universitaires européennes, ISBN: 978-6131560330.
2011 - Chapter in the book: VLSI Annual Symposium esigning Very Large Scale Integration Systems: Emerging Trends & Challenges, Editors: N. Voros, A. Mukherjee, N. Sklavos, K. Masselos, M. Huebner, Springer, ISBN: 978-84-007-1487-8.
2011 - P.Brelet, A.Grasset, Ph.Millet: System Level Design for Embedded Reconfigurable Systems using MORPHEUS Platform, chapter in the book "VLSI 2010 Annual Symposium", N.Voros, A. Mukherjee, N. Sklavos, K. Masselos, M. Hübner eds, Springer, ISBN 978-94-007-1487-8
2011 - A.Grasset, P.Brelet, Ph.Millet, Ph.Bonnot, F.Campi, N.S.Voros, M.Hübner, M.Kühnle, F.Thoma, W.Putzke-Roeming, A.Schneider: MORPHEUS: Exploitation of Reconfiguration for increased Run-Time flexibility and self-adaptive Capabilities in future SoCs Chapter in the book "Reconfigurable Computing - From FPGAs to Hardware / Software Codesign", João M.P. Cardoso, M. Huebner eds, Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4614-0060-8.
2011 - A. Grasset, Ph. Millet, Ph. Bonnot, S. Yehia, W. Putzke-Roeming, F. Campi, A. Rosti, M. Huebner, N. Voros, D. Rossi, H. Sahlbach, R. Ernst: "The MORPHEUS Heterogeneous Dynamically Reconfigurable Platform" International Journal of Parallel Programming, Springer Verlag Volume 39, Number 3, 328-356, DOI: 10.1007/s10766-010-0160-3
2009 - P. Millet : Overall MORPHEUS Toolset Flowchapter in the book Dynamic System Reconfiguration in Heteregeneous Platforms - The Morpheus Approach, Editors : N. Voros, A. Rosti, M. Huebner, ISBN: 978-90-481-2426-8
2008 - A. Deledda, J. Becker, M. Coppola, L. Pieralisi, R. Locatelli, G. Maruccia, F. Campi, T. De Marco, C. Mucci, A. Vitkovski, P. Bonnot, A. Grasset, P. Millet, M. Kuehnle, F. Ries, M. Huebner: Design of a HW/SW Communication Infrastructure for a heterogeneous reconfigurable processor Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE Y.2008, pages 1352-1357
2007 - P. Millet, J.-C. Heudin: Web Mining in the EVA Intelligent Agent Architecture, Intelligent Agent Technology/Communication between Human and Artificial Agents (IAT'07/CHAA-07)
2005 - P. Millet: Placement de processus sur machines parallèles: l'approche évolutionnaire, Thesis : sciences, 05 PA11 2221, New Ph.D. thesis
2000 - P. Millet, J.-C. Heudin: Comparison between Three Heuristic Algorithms to Repair a Large-Scale MIMD Computer, International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES2000)
1998 - P. Millet, J.-C. Heudin: Fault Tolerance of a Large-Scale MIMD Architecture Using a Genetic Algorithm, International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES'98)
1996 - G. Dujardin, A. Mayne, G. Comtet, L. Hellner, M. Jamet, E. Le Goff, P. Millet New Model of the Initial Stages of Si(111)-(7 × 7) Oxidation Physical Review Letters, Volume 76, Issue 20, May 13, 1996, pp.3782-3785